Disclaimer: The information and details given on this website, including the names of charities, organisations and other entities to whom The Grace Trust has made grants are provided in good faith, entirely and solely for general information purposes. The Grace Trust grant making committee undertakes detailed research into all charities, organisations and other entities to whom grants are made. The trustees make no endorsement, recommendation, warranty, or implication of approval, either express or implied, regarding any charity, entity or organisation mentioned.
Children for Health Limited
Children of the Mekong
Children with Cancer
Children's Heartbeat Trust
Children's Hospice South West
Children's Hospital Trust South Africa
Childrens Heart Surgery Fund
Childrens Hope Foundation
Childrens Hospital Trust South Africa
Chris Westwood Charity for Children with Physical Disabilities
Christ's Hospital
Christian Aid
Christian Aid - Gaza Appeal
Christian Aid - Syria Appeal
Christian Books Worldwide
Christian Hope International
Christian Institute
Christian Police Association
Christian Solidarity International
Cianna's Smile
Citizens Advice Greater Manchester Ltd
Clapton Common Boys Club
Clatterbridge Cancer Charity
Clic Sergent
Combat Stress
Community Council of Shropshire
Community Foundation for Wiltshire & Swindon
Community Initiatives South West Ltd
Compass Disability Services
Compton Care Group Ltd
Computeraid International
Concern Worldwide
Connect (Help on you Doorstep)
Construction Industry Relief
Contact A Family
Contact the Elderly
Cope Children's Trust
Coram Beanstalk (Volunteer Reading Help)
Coram Life Education Hillingdon
Cornerstone (NE) Adoption & Fostering
Cornerstone (North East) Adoption & Fostering Service
Cornwall Hospice Care Ltd
Cosgrove Care Ltd
Cosmetic Toiletry and Perfumery Foundation
Country Holidays for Inner City kids
Crackerjacks Childrens Trust
Creating New Beginnings
Criminon UK
Crisis Centre Ministries
Crisis UK
Crohn's And Colitis Relief
Crohns and Colitis UK
Crossroads Sir Gar Ltd
Crossways Community
Crowcombe And Stogumber Primary And Pre-School PTA
Croydon Health Services
Croydon Youth Zone
Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland
Cued Speech UK Limited
Cumbria Celebral Palsy
Cure EB
Cure International (UK)
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
Dame Kelly Holmes Trust
Daventry Contact
David Livingstone International Ltd
Deafblind Scotland
Deafblind UK
Demand Design and Manufacture for Disability
Demelza House Children's Hospice
Dementia Carers Count
Dementia Forward
Dementia Prevention UK
Dentaid Limited
Depaul International
Derwentside Hospice Care Foundation
Devon County Association for the Blind
Diabetes UK
Dignity (Worldwide)
Disability Africa
Disability Challengers
Disability Information Bureau
Disability Law Service
Disabled Workers Co-Operative Limited
Disasters Emergency Committee
Ditch The Label Ltd
Diverse Abilities Plus Ltd
Dolphin Society
Doorstep Library Network
Dorset Race Equality Council
Douglas Macmillan Hospice
Downs Syndrome Research Foundation
Drama Expressions for Children
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