
The charities we've given to.

Disclaimer: The information and details given on this website, including the names of charities, organisations and other entities to whom The Grace Trust has made grants are provided in good faith, entirely and solely for general information purposes. The Grace Trust grant making committee undertakes detailed research into all charities, organisations and other entities to whom grants are made. The trustees make no endorsement, recommendation, warranty, or implication of approval, either express or implied, regarding any charity, entity or organisation mentioned.


Dystraxia Foundation


Earl Haig Fund (Scotland)

East Africa Children's Project

East Aftrican Playgrounds

Eastside Community Trust

Edelweiss Education

Edinburgh Direct Aid

Edinburgh Headway Group


Education for the Children Foundation

Elim Connect

Elizabeth Jane Jones


Embracing Age

Emmanuel International Ltd

Emmanuel School (Derby) Limited


Emms International


Enham Trust

Enterprising Youth Education

Epilepsy Action

Epsom & St Helier NHS Trust



Eurasian Ministries

Exchange rate

Exmoor Search and Rescue

Exmouth Search and Rescue Team

Experiential Christian Ministries


Extern Group

Ezer Layeled Ltd


Fairfield Farm Trust

Faithworks Wessex

Families United Network

Family Action


Fatima Women's Association

Feed The Minds

Feeding Bristol

Felix Road Adventure Playground Association

Fight Against Blindness

Filwood Hope Ltd

Fire Fighters Charity

Fitzroy Support

Five Talents UK Ltd

Flamingo Chicks Cio

Focus Charity

Food For All

Footsteps Foundation

Forgotten Veterans UK

Foundation for Conductive Education

Free Church of Scotland

Freedom Kit Bags

Friends Reaching Out

Friends of Kagando

Friends of Kipkelion

Friends of Oakfield

Friends of the Holy Land

Frimley Health Charity

GL11 Community Project

Ghana School Aid

Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity

Global Care

Global Charities

Go Beyond Charity

Good Morning Project

Grandparents Plus

Great Ormond Street Childrens Hospital


Greenwich & Bexley Community Hospice

Grief Encounter

Grove Cottage


Growing Hope

Guts UK Charity

Guy's and St Thomas' Foundation

Gynaecology Cancer Research Fund

HEAT Foundation


Habitat For Humanity Great Britain

Hackney Caribbean Elderly Organisation

Haemochromatosis Uk

Haggai Advanced Leadership Training Ltd

Haggai Institute

Hammersley Homes Limited

Handicap International UK

Handicaped Childrens Action Group

Harlow Stroke Support Group

Harpenden Spotlight On Africa

Hartlepool People Trust

Haslingfield Community Warden Scheme

Haven Day Centre

Hazel Watson

Heads Together


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