Disclaimer: The information and details given on this website, including the names of charities, organisations and other entities to whom The Grace Trust has made grants are provided in good faith, entirely and solely for general information purposes. The Grace Trust grant making committee undertakes detailed research into all charities, organisations and other entities to whom grants are made. The trustees make no endorsement, recommendation, warranty, or implication of approval, either express or implied, regarding any charity, entity or organisation mentioned.
Lilian Faithfull Care
Lillian Faithfull Care
Link Visiting Scheme
Linking Lives
Links International
Listening Books
Little Hearts Matter
Little Village
Live Unlimited
Living Options Devon
Lomond Mountain Rescue Team
London Ambulance Service
London Hearts
Lotus Flower Trust
Loughborough Junction Action Group (Grove Adventure Playground)
Lucy Air Ambulance For Children
Lupus UK
MIND (national association for mental health)
MIND - Birmingham
MIND - Buckinghamshire
MIND - Camden
MIND - Cardiff
MIND - Conwy
MIND - Doncaster
MIND - Hull & East Yorkshire
MIND - Islington
MIND - Lambeth and Southwark
MIND - Leeds
MIND - Llanelli
MIND - Manchester
MIND - Mid Kent
MIND - Tyneside
MIND - Wirral
MS Society
Macmillan Cancer Support
Maggs Day Centre
Magic Breakfast
Magic Lantern
Maidenhead Foodshare
Making Space
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Manor Gospel Hall Trust
Map Action
Marah Trust
Marie Curie
Martin House
Mary Ann Evans Hospice
Mary's Meals
Mates In Mind
Medair UK
Medical Detection Dogs
Medical Research Foundation
Medics 4 Rare Diseases
Megan Baker House Ltd
Mencap Liverpool
Mercy Corps
Micah Liverpool
Michaela Community School
Midlothian Young People's Advice Service
Milton Keynes Bridgebuilder Trust
Milton Keynes Hospital Trust
Milton Keynes YMCA Limited
Mind - Hammersmith, Fulham, Ealing & Hounslow
Mind Body Eds
Mission India
Mission Possible
Mission Rabies Limited
Mission Without Borders
Mitchell's Miracles
Morris Charitable Trust
Motor Neurone Disease Association
Mountain Rescue England & Wales
Muir Maxwell Trust Limited
Multi - Cultural Family Base
Multi Agency International Training & Support
Muscular Dystrophy UK
Music For My Mind
Mustard Seed Autism Trust
Mustard Tree
Myeloma UK
Médecins Sans Frontières
NHS Lanarkshire
NMC Midlands
NMC Midlands Ltd
NOA (UK) Ltd
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