“Thank you so much for your letter and for coming to meet us to present us with the Grace Trust’s cheque of £2,500. l am happy to confirm that your grant will be used towards the charitable objects of our organisation. In particular we have earmarked your kind donation to pay for new audio visual equipment which we use for workshops at two of our premises. The old projectors we have had for years are cumbersome to fix up, very unreliable and on their last legs. New audio visual equipment is essential as many of the meetings we hold now are hybrid with some people there in person and others online. In particular efficient equipment is going to be useful for the many carers’ groups that we run. Our Carers’ Support Service provides support for people aged 16 years and over who care for someone whether a relative or friend with a mental health problem. The aim of the service is to provide carers with the emotional and practical support they need to manage and maintain their caring role, while maintaining their own health and wellbeing. This is a well used and vital service for carers who otherwise can often find themselves trying to manage distressing, difficult and potentially harmful situations alone. We will also be using the equipment for other groups such as anger control training, and for Peter Phillips to provide Mental Health First Aid Training. Thank you once again for your very generous donation.”